Downsview Park
Took a brisk mid-winter walk in Downsview Park today and along Keele Street. Discovered there's a Chinese herbalist at Keele and Sheppard - just a little hole in the wall in the plaza on the northwest corner. Coincidently, shortly after, a Chinese man passed by me, coming the other way on a trail in the park and gave me a jolly wave. The southwest corner has a Caribbean restaurant, not so common around here, plus the usual Korean place and a Tim's of course. In the park, I saw a red-tailed hawk on the ground snacking on something. The hawk was maybe four meters away. A few days ago I saw another one perched on a lamppost, indifferent to the people passing by just below her. These birds are obviously not too fussed about sharing the park. Today, I also saw a small flock of birders armed with cameras with huge telephoto lenses, eager to snap shots of the hawk. They were not all keeping a Covid-conscious 2 meters away from one another, but the did kindly confirm it was a red-tai...